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Creating a website for your business without web design experience can come with many challenges. Business owners may run into several problems when attempting to DIY (Do-It-Yourself) with free or paid website builder platforms.

While this option might seem like a money-saver, it often comes with time-consuming difficulties that non-designer business owners may not initially foresee.

Here, we’ll reveal some of these common challenges and how to overcome them.

1. Poor Design

Without a background in web design, business owners may struggle with creating an aesthetically pleasing, mobile responsive, and user-friendly design. This can result in a website that looks unprofessional or outdated, is difficult to navigate, is disorganized, or lacks visual appeal.

2. Limited Functionality

DIY website builders may have limitations in terms of features and functionality. Business owners may not be able to implement custom features or integrate the necessary tools and plugins to make their website truly work for them.

While a website can be simply an online brochure, its true value exceeds well beyond that, when automated tools and plugins are applied.

3. Inefficient Use of Resources

Building a website without experience can be time-consuming. Business owners might end up spending a significant amount of time on website development that could be better utilized in other aspects of the business.

The upfront learning curve comes with many practical lessons to be learned, mostly through trial and error. This ultimately costs the business owner their precious time and leads to a loss in revenue too. The sooner the website is complete, the sooner the business can grow.

4. Lack of SEO Optimization

Proper search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for a website’s visibility in search engine results. Business owners without SEO knowledge may struggle to optimize their website effectively, leading to poor search engine rankings, and no one finding the site that they worked so hard to create.

It is no longer true that “if you build it, they will come.” Nowadays, additional SEO work is required to be found online.

5. Security Vulnerabilities

DIY websites may be more susceptible to security vulnerabilities if not properly configured and maintained. This can put sensitive customer data at risk, damage the reputation of the business, and increase the amount of spam a business owner receives.

This can also have an effect on how the search engines view and rank the website. Websites without spam complaints are seen as more reputable and therefore are ranked higher and suggested more often.

6. Inconsistent Branding

Consistent branding is essential for a business’s online presence. Without design expertise, business owners might struggle to maintain a consistent look and feel across their website and other marketing materials.

Because branding helps consumers recognize and relate with the company, it becomes harder to build trust and cultivate relationships with website visitors. In their eyes, a stable brand means a company they can trust to do business with.

7. Mobile Responsiveness

Many website visitors use mobile devices, and it’s crucial that a website is responsive and functions well on various screen sizes. Without experience, creating a mobile-friendly site can be very challenging.

Having a mobile-friendly website shows that a company is attentive to the needs of their prospects and customers. It’s also the beginning of the good experience they can expect to have with the business.

8. Content Quality

Generating high-quality content for the website, including text, images, and videos, can be a struggle without the expertise to create engaging and informative content.

Many times, businesses don’t know what to say to their audience to relate to them or what their website visitors are even looking for. They may also not understand the psychology that motivates them into action, leaving loads of revenue on the table.

9. Ongoing Maintenance

Maintaining a website requires routine updates, security patches, and regular content updates that keep the site fresh in the eyes of the search engines. A website is no longer a “set it and forget it” business asset.

Business owners may find it challenging to keep the site up-to-date without web development skills. They may also not have the time to spend on such tasks, and may forget what is required by the next time it is needed.

10. Legal Compliance

Websites need to comply with various legal regulations as they arise, such as privacy policies and GDPR compliance. Business owners may not be aware of these requirements and could face legal issues if these are unmet.

To address these problems…

Many business owners opt to hire professional web designers who provide user-friendly interfaces and templates. This allows a more polished and effective online presence to be created while allowing the business owner to focus on their core business activities.

Why a Professionally Designed Website Matters

  1. First Impressions: Your website is often the first impression potential customers have of your business. A well-designed site can instill trust, professionalism, and credibility.
  2. Branding: Your website should be an extension of your brand, conveying your message and values effectively. Consistency in design is key to successful branding.
  3. User Experience: A user-friendly website not only attracts visitors but keeps them engaged. A great experience can turn visitors into loyal customers.
  4. SEO Benefits: Search engines favor well-structured, mobile-responsive, and fast-loading websites, which can boost your ranking and increase your online visibility.
  5. Competitive Edge: In a crowded online marketplace, a unique and eye-catching design can set you apart from the competition.

Why Choose Your Marketing Crew for Website Design Services

If you’ve tried to DIY your company website and have struggled with any of the issues above, we completely understand what you’ve been through. We’re here to pick up the pieces and create the website you’ve always wanted but didn’t know how to create.

Our professionally designed websites meet the needs of both the business and their visitors, crafting a win-win solution for all. It is our goal to help your business connect with your website visitors and build trusted relationships, so you become the obvious choice they wish to do business with.

We offer:

Tailored Solutions

We believe that every business is unique, and your website should reflect that. Our experienced designer will work closely with you to create a website that suits your brand identity, objectives, and target audience. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to revamp your existing site, we’ll tailor our services to meet your specific needs.

User-Centric Design

A visually appealing website is essential, but it’s equally important to create a user-friendly experience. Our design process focuses on creating intuitive navigation, responsive layouts, and fast loading times to ensure your visitors have a seamless and enjoyable experience.

Mobile Optimization

With the growing use of mobile devices, it’s imperative that your website is optimized for smartphones and tablets. Our responsive web design ensures that your site looks and functions flawlessly on all screen sizes, helping you reach a broader audience.

SEO Integration

A beautiful website is only effective if people can find it. Our Website Design Services include on-page search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to enhance your site’s visibility on search engines, drive organic traffic, and boost your online presence.

Content Management

You shouldn’t have to rely on a developer for every small update to your website. We offer content management systems (CMS) that enable you to make changes easily, keeping your site up-to-date with the latest information.

Maintenance and Support

Your website’s journey doesn’t end with its launch. We provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your site stays secure, up-to-date, and continues to perform optimally.

Honest Pricing

Though a website is an incredibly valuable business asset to invest in, we do understand that cost is a significant factor for businesses. Our honest pricing structure and payment options ensure that you get personalized, top-notch website design services without breaking the bank.

Give your business the website & online presence it deserves.

If you’re ready to take your online presence to the next level, our Website Design Services are here to help.

Whether you’re a small business or a solo business owner, we have the expertise and creativity to bring your brand to the online world. Let’s build your digital future together!

Thanks to vectorjuice at for the awesome chatbot graphics!
Published On: March 24th, 2022 / Categories: Web Design / By /